t: 01624 802900 e: a: St. John's Mill, Mill Road, St. John's, Isle of Man, IM4 3AF Request a Booking
About Us


The St John's Mill Charity has a board of Trustees and a small team who support the daily operations of the Mill with the support of volunteers who provide professional services, do restoration work, assist with daily prayer and support the catering team and other general duties.

The Key Departmental contacts are:

Cat Jenkins General Manager Cat Jenkins cat.jenkins@stjohnsmill.com
Janelle Stander Duty Manager Janelle Stander janelle.stander@stjohnsmill.com
Sarah Ripamonti Duty Manager Sarah Ripamonti sarah.ripamonti@stjohnsmill.com
Jacinta Taisia Catering Manager Jacinta Taisia jacinta.taisia@stjohnsmill.com
Suzie Crowe Housekeeping Suzie Crowe suzie.crowe@stjohnsmill.com
Steve Curtis Accounts Steve Curtis steve.curtis@stjohnsmill.com
Robert Jeavons Trustee Robert Jeavons bob@stjohnsmill.com
David Roberts Mill Ministries David Roberts david@stjohnsmill.com
Andrea Jeavons Trustee Andrea Jeavons
Trustee Rosemary Clarke
Marilyn Payne Volunteer Marilyn Payne